Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Burning Books In This Day and Age

Browsing through Deviantart, I came across a post where the author had taken a photograph of burning pages of a new age book. He titled it Acts 19:19 (referring to this bible passage "A number who had practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. When they calculated the value of the scrolls, the total came to fifty thousand drachmas.") and went on to say how his parents had bought the book for the sole purpose of taking it home to burn it "to prevent anyone else from reading it". The author had express great pleasure about it.

Now, I got to thinking. I'd love to burn some books myself. The whole Twilight series for instance.But if I were to burn all the crap books in the world, it would cause a level of air pollution that could possibly wipe out the population due to lack of oxygen. Not just because there are a lot of crap, but because books are  MASS produced.
You see, long gone are the days where it took skilled artisans to hand letter, bound and form a book. Now we have machines that produce them by the thousands!

Despite the rather poor selection being given to us these days, I'd rather have mass produced books and the privilege of accessing them, than not. My personal  library, which only has about 150 books actually surpasses that of kings in times gone by, suck it you royal bastards!

Anywho, so for me to justify the burning of a book whose viewpoints you don't agree with by saying you want to prevent others form reading it only shows your ignorance. And intolerance. There are many in this world who feel the bible is rubbish.There are other religions, as intolerant as Christianity, who feel the bible should also be burned for heresy.

So do we continue to breed hate? well, apparently, if you are Christian then  yes. yes you do.
The thing that gets me about these ignorant and intolerant people is they are representatives of their God. If they truly want to save people, why would you behave in a way that is contrary to the message you supposedly believe in? Why show people your God is as intolerant and ignorant as you?

For all you would be book burners out there, keep one thing in mind. If your God is almighty then he wants these books (yes, even Twilight *shudder*) to be  in the world and how dare you take it upon yourself to tell God he's wrong.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another thing to keep in mind, or the perils of extreme persepctive

So I found this image on Pinterest. and as with the most nerve wracking thing about pinterest there is link or credit to the artist. If you know who did it please let me know so I can credit them properly.

Anyway onto the critique.

This lovely pirate lady for the most part is very well rendered. I love her cheeky expression, and the rendering of the cloth and leather textures are divine. Buuuuut ( this would be a critique without a segue) the biggest most prominent thing about the image is the limp dick pistol.

Turning the gun up  juuuuuuust a bit would have made the point a lot better. Here is a hot and totally bad ass pirate and she has a gun your feet. Frightening. Really.
And a little too far to the right, is she aiming for some wily dwarf ninja or something? I can see it now, "Cor, I'll be taking that necklace Marm" looks to the ninja about to defend his mistress "Oi! Not so fast, ye bugger!" Admit it. You can totally see it now, can't you?

If you are going to go to the whole extreme perspective then don't slack off at the gun and the hand that holds it. He arm is jutted straight out and the elbow is locked. It would follow logically that her hand and the gun would follow suit and be pointed directly at you.

Now in the artists defense they may have originally done it that way. Then some nervous art director comes along and goes "Well, golly gee willikers. I don't think we should be pointing guns at our readers (I am assuming this is for a book cover I could be wrong.The artist could just like limp dick guns.) and had the poor artist re-paint it so the readers wouldn't feel threatened by said pigment.

But back to the  point. I've harped on this before. Logic, Muthafukka. When you are designing a composition- and you should always design it first. No matter if you are a realistic painter, an illustrator, graphic designer or abstract expressionist poopsmearer. Even the greatest abstract artists designed their compositions before painting-despite what they would prefer you to believe *cough* Pollock*cough*

Your compositions have to make sense. Otherwise you have would could be a great piece end up with a limp dick. Nobody wants that.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Clears the dust from the lungs and causes the blood to circulate most ambitiously.
Did you know Thomas Jefferson advocated running a mile a day for health?
A man so ahead of his time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Black Widow Should Be Cropped

"oh hai, i jus gunna take sip, kay?"
I found this image on Pinterest. I like it for the most part. It's cleavage-eh, clever.  Black Widow being all bad ass, the visual pun of casually flicking Vampire Ant Man away like an annoying mosquito is amusing.

Quick before he starts to sparkle!

But there was something....something I found off about the image. Ah, the composition. It's almost perfect. Almost. But in obligatory :lets cater to sexless males" style they added an unneeded element.


You see, I wouldn't care if the boobs where there if :
1.) they actually fit into the composition and made it stronger. (which they don't)
2.) didn't look like there an after though that looked like the editor said "Hey! moar bewbies!"
"Go read porn will you"
See? it's stronger. The hand becomes the emphasis leading the eye to the whole point to the image. Ant Man trying to suckle Widows sweet life juices. Aside from defying every law of gravity, Natasha's cleavage was little more than wasted space. It interrupted the flow of the eye.
You should always have the view stay focused on your message. Not boobage.

Actually the boobs themselves aren't the problem. There is simply too much Widow to focus on the action at hand. You see, you can still be sexist and objectify women (hell, this one makes it more blatant. Top Cow would be proud)
"oh hai, we think you can't get a date since that is the stereotype of comic reader, fat, pimply, socially awkward, basement dwelling MALE ONLY chuds, so here are some boobs. We understand. We love you"
You are still able to focus on the message of the image AND get your cleavage on.  These were merely cropped, not magnified in anyway. Thus is the importance of good editing. You have to cut out the non-essential for the story. Especially if you are wanting to use it as a cover to get buyers.
Your message needs to be clear and concise. Whereas sex does sell, remember if you want staying power there needs to be more substance.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Purpose of a Sketchbook

There is this disturbing trend that touts sketchbook pages as finished art. Just google sketchbook and you will see  a ton of images of finished drawings, paintings and mixed media work.
This is not the purpose of a sketchbook.

Granted, there are bits in my sketchbooks that I am ridiculously proud of. But a sketchbook is a work book. You use it to practice, problem solve and frankly give yourself a safe space to create crap.

I have a friend who tears out anything that isn't a resolved, polished drawing. I asked her why, she explained she wants to give people a good impression. She is denying herself the saftey of the sketchbook. She is also denying the people who leaf through her books the delicious process of visual thinking.

I blame museums.

They take sketches from artist and display them. I have no problem with this, EXCEPT they only display the finished "artsy" sketches. This gives the impression that you are supposed to do perfect work all the time. This is simply impossible. For every great work, there are dozens of mediocer-even awful pieces.

For all the artist, whether professional or hobbiest, please keep in mind you are under NO obligation to show anyone your sketchbooks.
And friends, family and connoisseurs, don't be rude and ask- or worse help yourself. It is a private world in those books. If you are invited to glimpse in those worlds consider it a privilage.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Harp Guitar Larson Bas 1920

I had never seen or heard of a harp guitar until I saw this lovly one at the MFA. Apparently, they have been around for over two centuries and have a long fan list that includes the likes of Jimmy Page.

I was curious about how it sounded, so I youtubed it like anyone would. Here is a Link for you. It's a nice sounding instrument. I am sad it's not used more.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dore's Maenads in a Wood

Okay, yesterday I mentioned this bas-relief when I was talking about the painting of Summer. Housed in the same museum (MFA Boston) this is tucked neatly in a hall surrounded by a glass case. Right across the hall from a bust of Dante and Virgil.

Maenads are the worshippers of Dionysus (Bacchus) and their name literally means "the raving ones". Given their ecstatic frenzy from dancing and drinking. they are said to lose all self control and engage in wild sex and hunt down animals and men to tear apart with their bare hands and devour raw.

Me thinks this might be a *smiiiiidge* exaggerated. Possibly.

I could get into the sexual politics of vilifying women who behave against societal codes of submissiveness, but that is for another blog. Back to the art.

Hey, this pic is almost good! Yay me!
This sculpture feature deliciously fleshy nubile young women on a very dangerous precipice. Even though the title says "in a wood", it seems they have come to the end of the wood and are now looking over a cliff. Metaphor for the problems of such worship perhaps? Dore seems to have a fondness of masses of flesh piled on top of each other. Here the maenads, still in ecstatic state, dance and crawl around the central figure the only solid and sober seeming figure of the group. All are blissfully unaware of the danger before them.

The majority of the piece is actually plain "rock" only the upper portion is the figures themselves. Perhaps Dore meant for the piece to be seen from much further below than the museum has it to emphasis the dangerous pursuit of pleasure of the drunken followers of Dionysus.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dore's Summer

I always say the best way to view and understand art is to gauge the emotional reaction you have to the art in question. I can tell you the backgrounds of the artists. I can tell you about symbols the artist used. I can tell you what it means to me but ultimately your reaction to it is the key to understanding the piece.

In this review, I have to say i was taken by surprise and awestruck by this painting.  It hangs in the delicious Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MA. When I lived there I had the privilege of seeing it often.
Paul Gustave Dore was a french artist. He was born January 6 1832 and died January 23 1883. He worked primarily as an engraver, his most well known work was the illustrations for the bible and the divine comedy. Which is how I was introduced to his work.  He was also a gifted sculpture. There is a bas relief housed in the MFA Boston that I am going to review soon.

Another example of my mad photography skills xD

This work is awe inspiring not because of the size (damn thing is huge) it the content. In the painting the startling element is the scythe. It seems out of place. Around it is vibrant lush life, but it is still too early for harvest. So the scythe lies there, impotent. However, death is patient. it will wait. it will be calm  for death knows there are cycles and seasons to everything. For now life triumphs.

All in all, it seems to me the overall message is one of hope.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A quick preview sketch

So I have been working on a comic, and I am fussy about it. I thought I'd give a teaser preview of a sketch page complete with words.

Fisherman is a euphemism for the plague,  Which plague? Take your pick it's a generic plague.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Bubble People

Ugh, Blue Moon hangover. Not from alcohol but staying up too late. I've been waking up lately with all sorts of fun and funky things drifting in my head and I have recently taken to writing them down or sketching them out depending on what the occasion calls for.

This little picture is an example. I call them The Bubble People and it will soon be a series of them. I have no idea where these guys were hiding in my subconscious as I tend to lean toward realism and not cutesy cartoony type of anthropomorphism.

So enjoy the first one.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue Moon

Tonight, Dear Cherubs, is a very special full moon.  It's the blue moon! This is the moon of magic and wishes. Made even more special due to the fact it is the last one until 2015.

Blue moons occur every two to three years due to the "left over days" form the solar calender. (leap year anyone?)

Traditions all around the world  view this moon as special (except Christians who call it the betrayers moon since it came "too early" for Lent. Really, guys? Really?)

The moon of course isn't going to be blue (though that would be awesome) Since it is atmospheric pollution like dust that would cause the change, i.e. like in 1883 when Krakatoa erupted all moons where literally blue for two years.

Now, the blue moon that should be really fun is in 2028. It falls on New Years Eve and is a full lunar eclipse, imagine the craziness!!

It's seen as the moon of wishes. It is said that what you wish for on the blue moon is sure to come true. So, Dear Cherubs, take stock of your life and use that wish wisely.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

St. Cecilia by Bernardo Cavallino

Bernardo Cavallino was born in Naples in 1616 and is thought to have died of the plague somewhere around 1656. Almost nothing is known of his background or training and it is hard to pinpoint if the many paintings attributed to him are his as less than 10 are signed. His work is noted for it's intense expressive religious allegory. The most famous example is probably the Blessed Virgin.

This painting however, is St. Cecilia. Patron saint of musicians and church music because it is said she sang to God as she died, which is impressive after a botched beheading.
Not to mention them trying to steam her to death. Why is the martyrs always seemed to get the horrific deaths? Don't just shoot them or anything. (Ooooo sorry St. Sebastian)

My crappy photo taken this year at the MFA. The security guard noticed my delight when I found her and tried to see what the hell I was looking at, lol.
This painting is probably one of my most favorite in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. (Here on out known as the MFA). You can see my crummy photo here. Since the MFA hasn't completed their renovations they have her tucked away in a temporary gallery hiiiiiiiiiiigh up on the wall. I took it with max zoom. Fortunately, I was able to find on the MFA website a professional photo for your enjoyment.

This is the MFA's professional pic, I found it at
What strikes me so about this work is the composition. The blood red scarf flowing around her obviously aloft on the holy energy her music is producing as she channels Gods favor. Wrapping around her, it continuously moves you back to her serene and beautiful face.

Without the scarf, this could be called "Young Girl Playing the Violin" it would be a typical genre piece and like many others that fade into historical obscurity. But this is no ordinary young girl. This is a holy woman. God's chosen saint. A martyr. She plays music for the soul. Even the light that pours on her is from above and left, not humble earthly light, as from a candle but God's own light.
St. Cecilia playing her violin is a holy act and we are privileged to witness the ritual.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ode to a Still Life

So I had been working on this still life. Still lives get a bad rap in the world for being rather generic, and I could go into the history of Dutch genre painting and the role still lives played therein. That will have to wait for another day.

Still lives are a great tool for an artist to use. They are still, free models the artist can use to flex their muscles. A still life can be explored for a long time and still not exhaust the possibilities of composition and light. Setting up a still life isn't taken lightly. You have to put in  a variety of elements in order to create a sustainable interest. Should it be monotone or a riot of colors? How about textures? the possibilities are truly endless.

This sketch was done over another in progress abstract  I was bored with. I may not do anything like that again as the strong blues interrupted the coloring of the mask and cloth, but it can be good to let go of control from time to time.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Hand of Fatima (hamsa)

Hamsas I made to sell on Etsy.
I recently found (in Oklahoma, of all places.) some charms like this and decided to decorate them. I instantly recognized them as the Hand of Fatima. But honestly I didn’t know what the Hand symbolizes. So I decided to do a little digging.

The hand of Fatima also known as the Hand of Mary or the Hand of Miriam depending on your religious leanings, I believe it’s proper name is the Hamsa.
It is a symbol of protection. Thought to be potent defense against the evil eye. But the hand itself is an ancient an universal symbol of protection attributed to Inana, Ishtar, Venus even the Buddha whose mudras are seen mirrored by none other than Christ himself.
I found this rockin' Hamsa on google images
         In earlier times it not only represented protection from the evil eye it also served to promote fertility and easy pregnancies, which maybe why it almost always is associated with Goddesses of the loving arts.
         Often seen in jewelry, it is also painted on doors and walls or hung up as tapestry and charms.
The hand is associated with the number 5. Five fingers. Five is a blessed number in ancient times denoting blessings, power and strength. The opened hand wards off evil and the closed hand with palm up denotes blessings and teachings.
The eye in the middle of the hand is also a universal symbol of protection against the evil eye or evil in general. The eye symbolism gets me because of my love for Medusa. Who legends it’s theorized evolved from the corpses of dead sailors and devices used to keep crows away. (Nice mix there. I’ll explain that in another post)
Ancient scarecrows and even some today are little more than an eye like object that reflects the sun.
It makes me wonder how much of our world beliefs and habits are based on simple everyday things like keeping birds from your food.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

My pen and I had some fun

So I have a comic idea kicking around my head, (actually I have many) but this one is getting my attention lately.
you can see somehereon DA.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Newest Necklace

Every artist has this problem with at least one piece they make. They want to keep it. My newest necklace is that way for me. It has so many things I love that it was hard to put it up for sale.
But I need teh monies to get back home with so it will have to grace another neck *sniff*
If you want it it can be found here

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Twinings does Pomegranate

They have probably had it kicking around for a while but I just received a sample, and oh boy all I can say is yummy.
It's a light black tea, almost no tannic taste, with a sweet fruity undertone and a floral finish.
That is my review. I will be ordering my weight in this lovely item.
I can see all the things I can make with it. Base for fruit soups, ice creams and sorbets, sauce experiments. Iced or hot, this is lovely.
go here
to for more info. click here for some free samples!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

MMMM Topaz

I am not a fan of diamonds. I am not a fan of gold. So jewelry traditionally thought of as top drawer does nothing for me. My engagement ring would and will (should I ever find my Prince Charming-or rather Prince Sincere) be sporting one of these two beauties. (the photo does them no justice sadly)
On the left a round cut London blue topaz. London blue is a medium shade of blue with a slight gunmetal undertone. and on the right my favorite cut (and so far the winner) is a a rectangular cut Swiss blue topaz. The Swiss blue is a more vibrant blue reminiscent of the sea and sky on a gorgeous spring day. Drool worthy.
Topaz is generally seen as a joyous and sultry citrus color. Pure topaz, however, is actually transparent. It is impurities that give it it's luscious colors, which range from wine red to Swiss blue and every rainbow in between.
It was one of the stones in the High Priests breast plate described in the bible and said to be sacred to the angels in Heaven. (who knew they cared for such things)
It is said to recharge the energy body and realign your spirit to your life's purpose. Opens the wearer to love by bringing emotional stability. Blue topaz is the stone of fidelity (another reason to wear it as a engagement stone) and said to aid in clear communication.
Damn, I love this rock.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A little something for myself

I made this for myself, after deciding I need to go back home to MA. I have appreciated my time in OKie, but honestly this is not my home. MA is home. It is where my heart is.
If the gods are kind the compass will lead me there quickly.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Possible tutorial?

I am trying to decide if I want to try my hand at creating a tutorial. I have never done one before, but since I lurk around for them I think it is only fair to return the favor.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Stuff and a New Shop

well, cherubs, I haz a new etsy shop. I still haveThe Girly Show, but I am proud to announce Elemental Magic for the natural magician in all of us.
I am also now addicted to Pinterest. Yeah! so you can hit me up there too.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

There is nothing worse than someone who was once in good shape trying to get back into good shape. You see in ones mind they never left the arena of sleek athleticism. So when the star and brutal reality of pain and humiliatingly slow run times or tiny little weights you used to be able to pinky curl hits you...well, it hurts.

There is an instinct to stop. Because your perception says you are still lithe and fit but your body is saying no you are not.
Your ego prefers what the perception says. It wants to ignore reality. So it gives you many, many solid reasons to not work out.

It tells you, as you run at a snails pace-or more appropriately wog (walking more than jogging)- down the road that people are laughing at you. It is giving you a small fear that you will be humiliated OR it will say, remember your knee? don't want to push it too hard. Probably should take today off.

it wants to maintain the status quo. Status quo sucks however. You know it. I know it. and Your Ego knows it. It wants to be great. It wants to be amazing. But it fears failure and success simultaneously. If you fail, you suck and are no good. If you win, you will never repeat it. Why is your ego like this? Because it's in bed with crippling self doubt.

Both of those little fuckers need a swift kick in the ass.

But it is part of a series of defense mechanisms create to protect you. So be gentle in your kicking.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Post apocalyptic Fun! Feminine Nervous Complaints

Sooooo, over the years I have happily-nay obsessively and enthusiastically collected home remedies, diy projects and survival tips and techniques that can help you survive any apocalyptic situation like a cockroach.
Going through some of the more "flavorful" home remedies I decided to start posting them for fun. I have gotten most of them from old books (the 1970s) and early homesteader manuals as well as the beloved Foxfire series.

This first one is a nice little recipe for "feminine Nervous Complaints"

1 cup hot milk
1 cup good white wine
powdered sugar

add wine and milk together, then stir in powdered sugar to taste. Sip slowly while lying down.

I wonder if Lydia Pinkham came up with that one....

Enjoy ladies!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

well, that was sweet

I had a bad xmas. on the same day i had to put my beloved cat (whom i had 13 years) down and an hour later my father passed away from lung cancer.
I am hoping that is the only time something like that will happen.
Anyhoo, My vet who was awesome to come to the office to see Zen despite the holiday sent a donation to the arbor day foundation in his name so he can have a small memorial in shasta trinity national forest.
That there is a vet who understands the bond of pets and their people.

Monday, January 9, 2012

so is it poolang?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

here is some useless trivia for you

This tid-bit might help you win at pub trivia.
New Coke lasted 79 days. Yet, that is still longer than a kardashian marriage! Way to go New coke!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

You need to see this.

Watch this documentary. Right now!


Gimme please!!!
this mug would be perfect for my tea.